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VBA code to locate specific files in a path, make a copy of that file in a new folder HELP

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Unhappy VBA code to locate specific files in a path, make a copy of that file in a new folder HELP

    Hello all

    I am new here and would like help with macro that i cannot seem to find why it is not working with me anymore.

    So this Macro is used to locate specific files that are in orders sheet, files are normally images or PDF files saved within a specific folders or path, the problem is that i only want those on Orders sheet to be searched for in a path and put into a new folder, but this is not working now for me, and i dont know how to fix it. the results that are found normally gets highlighted in the orders sheet but this has all stopped now. and it is frustrating me that when it launches it stops but the folder gets created without any results in there.

    Public Sub HCSyncreonPOD()

    Dim DT As String
    Dim Source As String
    Dim Dest As String
    Dim vFiles As Variant
    Dim vFile As Variant
    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim oFSO As Object
    Dim FileFound As Boolean
    Dim FF As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    FF = FreeFile
    DT = Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy")
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Source = "\\CZCHONYSVM007.prg-dc.dhl.com\BS50769_Galactica\Syncreon_Hard_Copies\SYNCREON HARD COPIES"
    Dest = "\\CZCHONYSVM007.prg-dc.dhl.com\BS50769_Galactica\Syncreon_Hard_Copies\HC-POD Verbal Found on " & DT

    If Dir(Dest, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir Dest

    'Get the full path name of all PDF files in the source folder and subfolders.
    vFiles = EnumerateFiles(Source, "*")

    With Worksheets("Orders")
    'Look at each cell containing file names.
    For Each rCell In .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
    FileFound = False 'Assume the file hasn't been found.
    'Check each value in the array of files.
    For Each vFile In vFiles
    'Use this line if the file name in the sheet exactly match the file name in the array. '
    '8152 and 100_8152.pdf are not a match, 8152 and 8152.pdf are a match. '
    'If rCell & ".pdf" = FileNameOnly(vFile) Then

    'Use this line if the file name in the sheet should appear in the file name in the array. '
    '8152 and 100_8152.pdf are a match, 1852 and 8152.pdf are a match. '
    If InStr(FileNameOnly(vFile), rCell.Value) > 0 Then

    'If found copy the file over and indicate it was found.

    'This line will use the rcell value to name the file. '
    'oFSO.CopyFile vFile, Dest & "" & rCell & "*.pdf"

    'This line will not rename the file. '
    On Error Resume Next
    oFSO.CopyFile vFile, Dest & "" & FileNameOnly(vFile)
    rCell.Interior.Color = RGB(250, 255, 25)
    FileFound = True
    End If
    Next vFile

    'Any file names that aren't found are appended to the text file.
    'If Not FileFound Then
    ' Open (Dest & "" & "MissingFiles.txt") For Append As #FF ' creates the file if it doesn't exist
    ' Print #FF, rCell ' write information at the end of the text file
    ' Close #FF
    'End If
    Next rCell
    End With
    MsgBox "Transfer complete, You got all Syncreon HC POD`s :)"
    End Sub

    Public Function EnumerateFiles(sDirectory As String, _
    Optional sFileSpec As String = "*", _
    Optional InclSubFolders As Boolean = True) As Variant

    EnumerateFiles = Filter(Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec _
    ("CMD /C DIR """ & sDirectory & "*." & sFileSpec & """ " & _
    IIf(InclSubFolders, "/S ", "") & "/B /A:-D").StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf), ".")

    End Function

    Public Function FileNameOnly(ByVal FileNameAndPath As String) As String
    FileNameOnly = Mid(FileNameAndPath, InStrRev(FileNameAndPath, "") + 1, Len(FileNameAndPath))
    End Function

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: VBA code to locate specific files in a path, make a copy of that file in a new folder

    Can you attach a short Excel sample to permit the macro you displayed to play.
    It seems you forgot the Code's tags .
    - Battle without fear gives no glory - Just try

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: VBA code to locate specific files in a path, make a copy of that file in a new folder

    Hi PCI and everyone, i hope that you have had a great Christmas and holidays.

    Right it would not allow me to attach the macro as i need to post a few posts before i can actually do that. please do point out the issue, and how to fix it if you are able to.

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