in the below small script the "Vlookup" function throws an error message in case no matching value is found. This is correct and expected and should be handled by the "on Error".
But it works only on the first run.
On the second time the "On Error" does not fetch the problem anymore and the code breaks with error 1004 "Unable to get Vlookup property of worksheetfunction class"
Any idea what I need to do to make the "on Error" statement work every time?
I tried "Err.Clear" to start with a "blank sheet" on every new loop, but that did not change anything.
Sub set_comment()
Zeile = 3
Spalte = 2
On Error GoTo gibts_nich
Do Until Spalte > 52
Do Until Zeile > 22
Screen = Cells(Zeile, Spalte).Value
Name = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Screen, Range("A40:B173"), 2, False)
With Cells(Zeile, Spalte)
.Comment.Visible = False
.Comment.Text Text:=Name
End With
Zeile = Zeile + 1
Spalte = Spalte + 2
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Thanks a lot for any hint - or maybe completely different solution to handle the failing vlookup.
regards Ralf