Hi all, this is a bit of a weird situation. I've got some code that puts a number of images into column A, each image top left is aligned to top left of the cell. However, when i compare the positions of the cells to the images, some are a bit off.
E.g. Most match but the ones in bold don't match and give oddly specific amount of decimal places:
0 0
310.5 310.5
621 621
931.5 931.5
1242 1242
1552.5 1552.5
1863 1863
2173.5 2173.5
2484 2484
2794.5 2794.500244
3105 3105
3415.5 3415.499756
3726 3726
4036.5 4036.500244
Does anyone know why this is and maybe how to fix it?
I've tried using VBA to move the one that is .top=2794.500244 to .top=2794.5 but when I check the position after moving it, it still shows .top=2794.500244
I know its a ridiculously small increment but I'm trying to build a program that inserts the images exactly to the top left of the cells so that when they're uploaded to Google Sheets they are IN the cells and the .Top and .Left has to be exactly the same ( it has worked so far, but the ones that are just a bit off aren't in the cells when they're uploaded)