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Guidance to creating a code or formula to search for a name and/or change

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver

    Guidance to creating a code or formula to search for a name and/or change


    I have created a form that will add the information entered to the correct tab (I have this formula already (included below)).

    What I want to do is once the submit button is select to search the workbook for the name to find if the person already exists, if the person does exist then a notice can pop up to stating, "This person already exists on "AREA""?

    Code for moving the form data to the exact tab.
    Sub Copy_Data()
     Dim hh As Worksheet, exist As Boolean, h As Worksheet, sh As Worksheet
     Dim f As Range
     Set hh = Sheets("Form")
     If hh.Range("d5") = "" Then
     MsgBox "Please select the year", vbCritical
     Exit Sub
     End If
     If hh.Range("d6") = "" Then
     MsgBox "Please select the month", vbCritical
     Exit Sub
     End If
     exist = False
     For Each h In Sheets
     If LCase(h.Name) = LCase(hh.Range("d5").Value) Then
      Set sh = h
      exist = True
      Exit For
     End If
     If exist = False Then
     MsgBox "The sheet does not exist", vbCritical
     Exit Sub
     End If
     Set f = sh.Range("D2:O2").Find(hh.Range("d6").Value, , xlValues, xlWhole)
     If f Is Nothing Then
     MsgBox "The month cannot be found", vbCritical
     'Top Form'
     'cell destination             cell origin
     sh.Cells(5, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d10").Value
     sh.Cells(6, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d11").Value
     sh.Cells(10, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d12").Value
     sh.Cells(13, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d14").Value
     sh.Cells(14, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d15").Value
     sh.Cells(18, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d16").Value
     sh.Cells(21, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d18").Value
     sh.Cells(22, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d19").Value
     sh.Cells(27, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d23").Value
     sh.Cells(28, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d24").Value
     sh.Cells(29, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d25").Value
     sh.Cells(31, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d27").Value
     sh.Cells(32, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d28").Value
     sh.Cells(33, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d29").Value
     sh.Cells(37, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d33").Value
     sh.Cells(38, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d34").Value
     sh.Cells(41, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d36").Value
     sh.Cells(42, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d37").Value
     sh.Cells(47, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d41").Value
     sh.Cells(48, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d42").Value
     sh.Cells(49, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d43").Value
     sh.Cells(51, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d45").Value
     sh.Cells(52, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d46").Value
     sh.Cells(53, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d47").Value
     sh.Cells(57, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d51").Value
     sh.Cells(58, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d52").Value
     sh.Cells(59, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d53").Value
     sh.Cells(60, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d54").Value
     sh.Cells(61, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d55").Value
     sh.Cells(62, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d56").Value
     sh.Cells(63, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d57").Value
     sh.Cells(64, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d58").Value
     sh.Cells(65, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d59").Value
     sh.Cells(66, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d60").Value
     sh.Cells(67, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d61").Value
     sh.Cells(68, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d62").Value
     sh.Cells(70, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d64").Value
     sh.Cells(71, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d65").Value
     sh.Cells(72, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d66").Value
     sh.Cells(73, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d67").Value
     sh.Cells(74, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d68").Value
     sh.Cells(75, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d69").Value
     sh.Cells(76, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d70").Value
     sh.Cells(77, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d71").Value
     sh.Cells(78, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d72").Value
     sh.Cells(79, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d73").Value
     sh.Cells(80, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d74").Value
     sh.Cells(81, f.Column).Value = hh.Range("d75").Value
     End If
    End Sub
    Sub SelectUnlockedCells()
    Dim WorkRange As Range
    Dim FoundCells As Range
    Dim Cell As Range
    Set WorkRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to clear this form?", _
    vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Clear Form") = vbYes Then
    For Each Cell In WorkRange
    If Cell.Locked = False Then
    If FoundCells Is Nothing Then
    Set FoundCells = Cell
    Set FoundCells = Union(FoundCells, Cell)
    End If
    End If
    Next Cell
    If FoundCells Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "All cells are locked."
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Route()
       Call Copy_Data
       Call SelectUnlockedCells
    End Sub
    Many thanks for any help.

    K Stevens

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Guidance to creating a code or formula to search for a name and/or change

    Hi, is it so that this person's name is somewhere in the Form sheet in Range("D10:D75"), where you want to check if it already exists on any other of your worksheets, or particularly in the target range defined by D5 and D6?

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