Hi experts
I have downloaded non billing process file, i want split as category from F:F column as
{closing A/C,Discharge A/C,De-Active Closure,Canstar - FTP,Suspended A/c,In-finite Closure,Rejected A/C}
all these abbrevation start with acc code statement , Canstar - FTP only cases with end statement.
i want split from raw file and move to targeted file sheets to Closure and Discharge
In Closure sheets Closing A/C,De-Active Closure,In-Finite Closure,
In Discharge sheet Discharge A/C,Canstar - FTP,Suspended Acc,Rejected A/C
data should be deleted after move from data source file.
assume i saved target file as ILLICIT at D:\DBDS\Oracle AC\ILLICIT.XLSX
please find the attachment
Thanks and regards