In the attached Test.xlsm, I have columns containing formulas. I would like to set up a macro that will freeze those formulas (i.e., convert to fixed values): freeze the next 10 columns, save, move to the 11th column, repeat. So far, my macro looks like this:
Sub FreezeColumns()
' FreezeColumns Macro
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Questions and problems:
- I don't know how to specify the next 10 columns relative to the present point. This code refers to columns A through J because I started in cell A1. But how can I get it to refer to the next 10 columns after I've moved to cell K1?
- After freezing the next 10 columns, I need to move to the 11th column, same row. At present, I have Range("K1").Select. Should I use something like ActiveSheet.Cells(11,0).Select ?
- Ideally, to stop when it reaches a column with no data on row 1, I think I should use Do While - Cells(i,1).Value = but I'm not sure how to represent a null value.