
So firstly I'd like to state that I am out of my element for what I'm trying to do and that there is more than likely a better or simpler way to approach this, but I've been trying to do this since Monday and it's just not clicking for me. If I had to guess I'd say the answer is pretty simple but I'm too zoomed into the problem to see it.

Alrighty so to explain the entire process, essentially a user will specify a source directory and target file, select which type (Open, Closed, Operational; I can't tell the distinction apart from the Open or Operational files aside from their name, but they boil down to either Open or Closed) of file is being targeted, then click "Run". The outcome should, depending on the type of file selected either:
  1. Closed: Parse the "Closed Issue" source file, adding newly closed issues into the "Closed Issues" worksheet. Afterwards, it will then parse the "Open Issues" worksheet looking for any matches in the "Issue" column. If a match is found, then it copies the details/description into the "Closed Issues" worksheet for the respective match, and finally then deletes the matched row within the "Open Issues" worksheet.
  2. Open/Operational: Parse the source file and compare against the "Closed Issues" worksheet, looking at the "Issue" column for those matches. If a match is found, skip, otherwise put the open issue from the source file into the Open issue worksheet.

Sounds straight forward enough - take files that are generated bi-weekly, copy their only worksheet into the active workbook, then parse that temporary worksheet and update the Open and Closed worksheets based on the filetype. However, at my current point, I've been copied the worksheet from the source file into a local temporary worksheet named "Temp-Processing" but I've stuck on trying to understand how iterate through the worksheet and get it into appropriate outcome (closed/open issues) worksheets. To try and keep this simple for myself I've been focusing on the "Closed Issues" with the idea that once it works for the closed issues, I can bring it up a level and then start working on other types. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get that far yet, and I've been stuck on the part I'm on now for three days.

With all of that being said I'd like to ask - Would someone be able to help me understand where the wrench in my machine is, or would someone be able to steer me in a simpler direction, as I feel like this could be done so much more simply, but it's not clear to me how?

Lastly, the attached example files contain an example issue as well, "101-Issues Galore", which shows how it would appear in a batch of new Open & Closed issues, as well as how it would be noted after the program ran successfully in "Example Tracker WB" under the "Closed Issues" sheet.

Sub CopySheetFromClosedWB()

    Dim Foldername As String 'Making a Foldername var
    Dim Filename As String 'Making a Filename var
    Foldername = Cells(7, 4) 'Our foldername is "Target Directory" on "Overview"
    Filename = Cells(8, 4) 'Our filename is "Target File" on the "Overview"
    Dim var_Xlsx As String 'Make a file extension variable
    var_Xlsx = ".xlsx" 'So we can make this people proof
    var_SourceFile = Foldername & Filename & var_Xlsx 'Now we join here on a new variable to represent the Target File
    Sheets.Add.Name = "Temp-Processing" 'This makes a sheet for us to process from locally called "Temp-Processing"
    '' Add in the deletion of this sheet at the bottom once I get to that point
     'This section makes our Temp sheet, opens and copies data from target file to the Temp sheet, then closes the wb
    Set var_Dst = Sheets("Temp-Processing") 'Set the destination we want <!> Will need to update to reflect the "Type"
    Set closedBook = Workbooks.Open(var_SourceFile) 'New Variable "closedBook" being set to an open workbook from our var_SourceFile
    closedBook.Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Copy (var_Dst.Cells(1, 1)) 'Copies the "Sheet1" sheet. <<>>THIS CAN BE AN ISSUE IF THERES NOT A SHEET1<<>>
    closedBook.Close SaveChanges:=False 'We close the other workbook without saving
    Dim var_RNG As Long
    Dim y As Range
    With Sheets("Temp-Processing").UsedRange
        For Each y In .Rows
            If Application.CountA(y) > 0 Then
                var_RNG = var_RNG + 1
            End If
    End With
    'MsgBox "Number of rows with data is " & var_RNG
    Dim Rng As Range, RngList As Object, WS As Worksheet, desWS As Worksheet, lastRow As Long 'Variables
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Temp-Processing") 'Temp Processing Sheet
    Set desWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Closed Issues") 'Closed Issues Sheet
    Set RngList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    'MsgBox RngList
    ' Start for-loop here to go to the # in var_RGN (should be 43 for this test)
    For Each Rng In desWS.Range("B2", desWS.Range("B" & desWS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
        If Not RngList.Exists(Rng.Value) Then
            RngList.Add Rng.Value, Rng.Row
        End If
    For Each Rng In WS.Range("B2", WS.Range("B" & WS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) ' For each Range in our source,
        If RngList.Exists(Rng.Value) Then 'If the property in "Closed Issues" exists, then copy the entire row to Closed Issues
            With desWS
                WS.Range("A" & Rng.Row).Resize(, 7).Copy 'Copies 7 rows from Target File to our Closed Issues, starting from Column A on the row
                .Cells(RngList(Rng.Value), 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'Pastes the values from the source
            End With
            lastRow = desWS.Range("B" & desWS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Sets last row to destination WS (Closed Issues) at position B(# row count in destination)
            desWS.Range("A" & lastRow).ListObject.ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True
            lastRow = desWS.Range("B" & desWS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
            desWS.Cells(lastRow, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
        End If
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub
Example Tracker WB.xlsx
Example Open Issues.xlsx
Example Closed Issues.xlsx

Thank you in advance for any suggestions or corrections!