Hi All
I have a huge number of cells to name. The naming nomenclature is very fiddly - have a look in the example I've added. each name drawn on section and item numbers/letters in this case CH (for all in this sheet) then 1.2 (the section header at the top) then a to f (in the first column, it's an item number from an external document) then a number - mostly 1 or 2 (in in second column, another external doc ref) then a shortened description of the question (i.e. in the third column), then then a suffix to indicate which of three answer fields is used (e.g. data just in reporting period, cumulative data, or comment)
So given all this info in the name comes from nearby cells - I'm wondering if it is possible to set up a formula (or macro??) to write the names (or at least part of the name) and apply them to the cells instead of typing them all.
I'm grateful for any ideas!