I'm currently testing some code for document automation on multi-user environment. For one specific machine there is a error 13 mismatch, where on other the code runs perfectly.

All machines have been installed with the same office version (365); all machines have been updated to the latest version.

Option Explicit

Private Sub butAddComponent_Click()

   If txbCategory.Value = "" Then
      MsgBox ("Category is required to fill in.")
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Dim compList(2) As String
   compList(0) = StrConv(txbCategory.Value, vbProperCase)
   compList(1) = StrConv(txbComponent.Value, vbProperCase)
   compList(2) = StrConv(txbType.Value, vbProperCase)
   'Add entry to array
   General.productsList = AddEntryToArray(General.productsList, compList)
   'Select category
   Call ufSupplier.RefillListboxes

End Sub
Function FillListBox(lstbx As MSForms.ListBox, arr As Variant)
   If UBound(arr) = 0 And IsEmpty(arr(0)) Then Exit Function
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
      Select Case lstbx.name
      Case "listType"
         If UCase(listCategory.List(listCategory.ListIndex)) = UCase(arr(i)(0)) Then
            If UCase(listComponent.List(listComponent.ListIndex)) = UCase(arr(i)(1)) Then
               If Not IsItemInListbox(lstbx, CStr(arr(i)(2))) Then lstbx.AddItem arr(i)(2)
            End If
         End If
      Case "listComponent"
         If UCase(listCategory.List(listCategory.ListIndex)) = UCase(arr(i)(0)) Then
            If Not UCase(IsItemInListbox(lstbx, CStr(arr(i)(1)))) Then lstbx.AddItem arr(i)(1)
         End If
      Case "listCategory"
         If Not IsItemInListbox(lstbx, CStr(arr(i)(0))) Then lstbx.AddItem arr(i)(0)
      End Select
   Next i

End Function
Function IsItemInListbox(lstbx As MSForms.ListBox, str As String) As Boolean

   IsItemInListbox = False
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 0 To lstbx.ListCount - 1
      If UCase(str) = UCase(lstbx.List(i)) Then
         IsItemInListbox = True
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next i
End Function
When I run the code step by step the following happens:
First iteration:
lstbx.name = "listType"
IsItemInListbox gets called and is set to true
Second iteration
lstbx.name = "listComponent"
IsItemInListbox gets called and is set to true and I get a type 13 mismatch error when the code steps out of the IsItemInListbox.

I can bodge it by using an "On Error Resume Next", however I'm not sure that's the best way to go about it. It's one specific machine that outputs this error, the other machines don't have this. Does anyone know what could be the problem?