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Auto populate dependent validation list with fist values from list

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    Question Auto populate dependent validation list with fist values from list

    I'm working on a ROI spreadsheet and want to select from a 'independent Category list' and have the solved values in the 'dependent Values lists' enter the cells automatically.

    I found this code that I put into the VBA:
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address = "$G$4" Then
    Range("H4:I7").Value = "Select"
    End If
    End Sub
    That will set all validation boxes H4:I7 to "Select" after choosing the Category, but I want each cell to update with the value rather than having to keep selecting them since it's the only value in the list.

    I then found this VBA that will reset as I need, but have no idea how to make it work at all...
    Sub ResetDropDowns()

    Dim rngLists As Range
    Dim ListCell As Range

    On Error Resume Next
    Set rngLists = Sheets("Entry Sheet").UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
    On Error GoTo 0

    If Not rngLists Is Nothing Then
    For Each ListCell In rngLists.Cells
    ListCell.Value = Range(Trim(Mid(Replace(ListCell.Validation.Formula1, ":", String(99, " ")), 2, 99))).Value
    Next ListCell
    End If

    End Sub
    Also, After the independent Category is chosen, I will need to enter values into the white boxes under Product 1 and 2. These boxes move around depending on what ROI category is selected: Current = No white; Adj/ Price =- List & Costs, NPI = List & GM. So, I'm hoping I can just reassign the code to accomplish calling the 'dependent recalculated Values' to the correct cells as changes are made.

    Here's a pic of the spread sheet, and this is the dependent list code that I put into the Validation Source (the result numbers in the image) for Product 1 List Price: =INDEX($E$43:$G$43,,MATCH($G$4,$E$42:$G$42,0))

    Thanks all for the help.

    Independent Validation List: E42:G42 -> G4
    Dependent Validation List: E43:G46 -> H4:H7

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