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Change all file names in folder based on cell values

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    Smile Change all file names in folder based on cell values

    Hi people!.

    I am wondering, is it too difficult to make a macro that changes the name of all excel files in a folder based on the text contained in a given cell in each of those files.
    I download every month around 250+ excel files to a folder, all of which have random file names like "ls98jhy7jo976jjoyuf.xlsx". In each of those files, cell A1 contains the name of a client. I need to change in a batch all those files names to that of the client. Is this an appropiate job for a macro?is this a very advanced macro?. I have seen a few examples over the internet of similiar concepts, but i can?t get them to work exactly for this usecase (I am a total rookie here)

    Is RPA more appropiate for this? (I?m tinkering with UIpath)
    Last edited by bartolos; 08-09-2022 at 09:26 PM.

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