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VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

  1. #1
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    Question VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Hi all,

    I found this code which gives you the full URL of a shortened (e.g. bitly) link:

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    You basically use this on a cell by cell basis via =unwrap(A1) formula.

    I have a fixed range of shortened URLs (that change dynamically) that I would like to get unwrapped one by one, but only at the click of a button. So ideally, this wouldn't be a public function, but a simple sub that I can manually execute on a specified range of cells.
    Anyone has an idea how to do that? Tried a few things, but totally lost :-(

    Hope you can help?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    You could use the same function in a range loop, something like the below, sub 'test' will run unwrap over and over until the end of the range:
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    If things don't change they stay the same

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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Hey CheeseSandwich,

    Ace - thanks for the super speed reply!

    So I added the worksheet to look at as well and updated the range, but sadly, this throws an error on the "rng = " row: Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set

    Do you know what that means?

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    Also, I just noticed that the cells in range H9:H contain a formula that outputs the shortened URL.
    Tried the previous =unwrap(A1) on those and it didn't work as I believe it reads the formula, not the output. Is there any tweak to that I could incorporate?

    Thanks so much for the help!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Sorry my mistake - I missed the word Set:
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Great - thanks! That got it to work, but it sadly only copies the URL instead of 'unwrapping' it - I guess this is because the cells in column H contain a formula that outputs the URL.

    An example - this is the formula in cell H9:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    ...it basically searches a large text document for a specific, shortened bitly link.

    The output of this formula is "https://bit.ly/3b2vDXN".

    If I apply the =unwrap(A1) formula on just the URL, this works, however, it doesn't work on cell H9 as it contains the formula (I believe).
    Do you think there's any workaround for that? I.e. let VBA pick the value of the cell rather than the formula to run this?

    Also, some cells in my range H9: range are left empty as the IFERROR formula kicks in. The script seems to stop when there is an empty cell so I changed the output of the formula to be "-" instead of a blank so the script continues to run, but not sure if that would throw an error now as "-" is not a valid URL?

    Thanks so much for the help - appreciate it!!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Are you able to paste a sample of your data with a couple of working formulae? (sensitive data removed, maybe you could just leave a couple of fake URL's created by the same formula)

    Would be a lot easier to work with.

    Do the links created by formulae work when you put them into a web browser URL?
    Last edited by CheeseSandwich; 06-15-2022 at 09:35 AM.

  7. #7
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    Question Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Sure - attached, hope this works?

    One thing to notice is that it does seem to work on some URLs, but not on others (can't share those ones sadly). So I may need to look into all the options there are for "oRequest" - maybe I can tweak this to also recognize other, shortened URLs.

    Thanks so much for your help!
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  8. #8
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    The below will fix the error with the blank (-) cells:
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    To test the ones that are not working: try pasting the formula result into your browser - if you get an error then there could be something wrong with the shortened URL.

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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Thank you!! That's super helpful - I tweaked it slightly to skip blank cells now (not the ones with "-").

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    Only problem that remains is that some wrapped URLs don't seem to work (they do work and redirect if I open in browser). The script just seems to copy/paste the same URL into column "I".
    Think this may be down to some redirect setting maybe. Are there other methods of unwrapping the URL? I'll see if I can find anything...

    Thanks so much!

  10. #10
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Ok, I think I found something - apparently (according to this), WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1 only looks at the first Location header (not the last link in the chain of redirects).
    It is recommended to use something like this instead:

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    Tried to just change WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1 to MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP, but that doesn't work. Any chance you could help me tweak the code to look at the last link in the chain of redirects?

    Thanks so much!

  11. #11
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Try the below:
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Hey CheeseSandwich,

    Thanks so much for this! Tried, but sadly not giving me the final URL (it does for some, but not for all) :-(

    But - good news is - I found this awesome redirect checker script here that seems to do the job:

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    This works perfectly, however, sadly it only looks at 1 input URL, not a range. Not quite sure how I could tweak it to:

    a) look at range Worksheets("Content_Audit").Range("H9:H1008") and check status and final URL for each cell in that range
    b) write the Redirect Value into the cell to the right of the input URL (column I)
    c) write the final URL into the cell two cells to the right of the input URL (column J)
    d) Execute this on click, rather than automatically

    Do you have any idea? Think that would really be it (appreciate the support!).
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    Last edited by kingofcamden; 06-16-2022 at 04:12 AM.

  13. #13
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Maybe something like:
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    Thanks for the super speedy reply! Tried this, but unfortunately get a "compile error: User-defined type not defined" on row "Function unwrap(url As String)".

    Is there also a chance too add in the redirect type in another column? The script I found does this nicely, but sadly only for that 1 URL :-(

  15. #15
    Forum Expert CheeseSandwich's Avatar
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    For the error i think you need to add a reference in the VBE: Microsoft WinHTTP Services

    For the second part, try the below:
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    Re: VBA - Tweak code to 'unwrap' shortened URLs for specified range on click

    OMG! LIFESAVER! This works perfectly - thank you soooo much!!!

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