This should do what you want... sorry for the delay - took a long weekend

Option Explicit
Public wkbkRM As Workbook
Public wsRM As Worksheet

Sub LoopThroughPLFiles()
    Dim strFName As String
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim strWFile As String
    Dim wkbkWF As Workbook
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
    Set wkbkRM = Workbooks.Open(strPath & "RM File.xlsx")
    Set wsRM = wkbkRM.Worksheets(1)
    strWFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xlsx")
    Do While strWFile <> ""
        If strWFile Like "PL*" Then
            Set wkbkWF = Workbooks.Open(strPath & strWFile)
            ProcessPLFile wkbkWF
        End If
        strWFile = Dir()
    wkbkRM.Close False
End Sub

Sub ProcessPLFile(wkbkWB As Workbook)
    Dim lngR As Long
    Dim wsW As Worksheet
    Dim rngF As Range
    Set wsW = wkbkWB.Worksheets(1)
    For lngR = wsW.Cells(wsW.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
        Set rngF = wsRM.Range("D:D").Find(wsW.Cells(lngR, "I"))
        If Not rngF Is Nothing Then
            If wsRM.Cells(lngR, "F").Value <> "" Then
                wsW.Rows(lngR + 1).EntireRow.Insert
                wsW.Cells(lngR + 1, "H").Value = wsW.Cells(lngR, "I").Value
                wsW.Cells(lngR + 1, "I").Value = wsRM.Cells(rngF.Row, "F").Value
                wsW.Cells(lngR + 1, "K").Value = wsRM.Cells(rngF.Row, "G").Value
                wsW.Cells(lngR + 1, "M").Value = wsRM.Cells(rngF.Row, "I").Value
                wsW.Cells(lngR + 1, "N").Value = wsRM.Cells(rngF.Row, "E").Value
                wsW.Cells(lngR, "M").Value = wsRM.Cells(rngF.Row, "I").Value
                wsW.Cells(lngR, "N").Value = wsRM.Cells(rngF.Row, "E").Value
            End If
        End If    Next lngR
End Sub