Hello everybody, I'm Bruno, new to the forum.
I had some basic use of Excel from school (very very basic) and now I find myself using it in my day to day, also at a basic level just to keep an eye on my finances.
At the moment I have one of my sheets where I have all the income in Column A (green) , all the expenses are in Colum B (red) and in Column C, I use it as "Description" where I write where that money comes from,goes to; for example "Food" , "Phone", etc etc.
What I would like to know if it's possible, is if I can create a formula/macro in a new Cell, and I want that formula/macro to "Look" in the Column "C", for all the text that says "Food" and then, if it is there, from that same row, extrac the information, but from the Colum "B" that is the number.
So for example, if in Coulm "B" I know that B2, B8, and B12 (just to randomize) is money I spend on Food, cause I can see in the "Column C" on the same row number that description. So the idea is once this formula is created I select all Column C, but the information displayed in that new cell, would be just the sum of B2, B8 and B12, cause the formula/macro shoud look in Column C all the "Food" and them SUm up those same rows but from Colum B.
I hope I was a little clear, I'm sorry for the language and communication, neither of them is my strong point.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks so much.