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Filter within data in Scatter Chart?

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  1. #1
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    Question Filter within data in Scatter Chart?

    Hello World!

    I'm trying to get this thing done but it's consuming my mind...
    The thing is:

    I have a VBA created Scatter Chart with all coordenates in table. The thing is that I would like to filter with diferent letters that appear in column "D"... How can I do that?

    I attach my code that generates the Scatter Chart XY (it takes all data without taking into account letter in column "D").
    Right now series follows group of 2 columns each, but I would like to be for each row... taking values by 2 each.

    Many Thanks you all!


    Private Sub XY_Click()
    Dim xrng As Range
    Dim yrng As Range
    Dim Chart1 As Chart
    Set stCell = Range("F17")
    Set sht = ActiveSheet
    Set Chart1 = sht.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
    With Chart1
        .ChartType = xlXYScatter
            With Chart1
           .ChartArea.Height = 340.15
           .ChartArea.Width = 453.55
           .Parent.Left = Range("H1").Left
           .Parent.Top = Range("H1").Top
              ' Apply Chart Template
        Chart1.HasLegend = False
      ' Name the x-Axis:
        Chart1.Axes(xlCategory).HasTitle = True
        Chart1.Axes(xlCategory).AxisTitle.Text = "X"
      ' Name the y-Axis:
        Chart1.Axes(xlValue).HasTitle = True
        Chart1.Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Text = "Y"
        For Each sr In .SeriesCollection
        Next sr
        For n = 1 To (sht.Cells(stCell.Row, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - stCell.Column + 1) / 2
            lr1 = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, (n - 1) * 2 + stCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
            Set xrng = sht.Cells(stCell.Row + 1, (n - 1) * 2 + stCell.Column).Resize(lr1 - stCell.Row)
            Set yrng = sht.Cells(stCell.Row + 1, (n - 1) * 2 + stCell.Column + 1).Resize(lr1 - stCell.Row)
            .SeriesCollection(n).XValues = xrng
            .SeriesCollection(n).Values = yrng
        .SeriesCollection(n).MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        .SeriesCollection(n).MarkerSize = 15
        .SeriesCollection(n).MarkerForegroundColor = 255
        'SeriesCollection(n).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = 0
        .SeriesCollection(n).Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        Next n
      End With
    End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by Ralar; 05-19-2022 at 08:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Filter within data in Scatter Chart?

    If you have the setting for not displaying hidden rows you could just filter the data
    That assumes that none of the xy data points on a row are required.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Filter within data in Scatter Chart?

    Wow! That's true! I didn't thought about that...

    Many Thanks!

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