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VBA CODE to automate mail merge

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  1. #1
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    VBA CODE to automate mail merge

    Good day, I am hoping someone can help me with a code that I can input in my excel file to automatically create and send letters in PDF format?
    Our letters range from contracts, warnings, dismissals, transfers and so on... we have set templates and are currently doing it via mail merge, but I know for a fact someone here will know a way we can speed this up?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: VBA CODE to automate mail merge

    I have a program that reads things like Subject, To List, CC List, BCC List, Body, List of attachments and sends mail to them.


    You should be able to send out the PDF documents by filling in the table.
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

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