HI, I have a send email macro that works fine I just want to know how to enter bullet points into the body of the email, I am guessing something to do with CHR149 but I am not sure on the syntax of how to use this? can anyone help? I would like Points A-C to be a bullet pointed list
[Sub booking()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olEmail As Outlook.MailItem
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olEmail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With olEmail
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "Dear XXXXX," & " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & " Thank you for your email." & " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & " As requested, we have arranged the Service for XXXXX on XXXX XXXXX XXXX at XXXXX at XXXXXXX ." & " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the Service is due to start." & vbNewLine _
& " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "Please confirm:" & vbNewLine _
& " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "Chr(149)" & "Point A" & vbNewLine _
& " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "Point B" & vbNewLine _
& " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "Point C" & vbNewLine _
& " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "We request that all choices are confirmed two working days before the date of the Service." & vbNewLine _
& " <br>" & " " & " <br>" & "If convenient, I will telephone on XXXXX to confirm these details with you. If you have any further queries in the meantime or in the future, you may contact myself or my colleagues at any time." & vbNewLine _ "<br>" & .HTMLBody
.To = ""
.CC = "simplicity.clientservice@simplicity.co.uk "
.Subject = "Enter Subject text here"
End With
End Sub]