Here I mistakenly thought that you would select a range as you mentioned in your first post.
If you want hard code the values. (unlikely)
Sub Maybe()
Dim varArr
varArr = Array("Hallo", "Bye", "Maybe")
    Cells(Range("B2:B14").SpecialCells(2).Count + 1, 2).Offset(1).Resize(, 3) = varArr
End Sub
If your values are below each other (here in G1 to G3)
Sub Maybe_1()
Dim varArr
varArr = Range("G1:G3").Value
    Cells(Range("B2:B14").SpecialCells(2).Count + 1, 2).Offset(1).Resize(, 3) = Application.Transpose(varArr)
End Sub
If your values are beside each other (here G1 to I1)
Sub Maybe_2()
Dim varArr
varArr = Range("G1:I1").Value
    Cells(Range("B2:B14").SpecialCells(2).Count + 1, 2).Offset(1).Resize(, 3) = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(varArr))
End Sub