collection monthly report for multiple files into one
hi experts !
I have report publish every month throught the year. what i want collect the all of the files into one . so the result in file collection shows each sheet for each file and rename for each sheet based on file name because all of the sheets names are the same in all of the files . the location of columns are different in orginal file so I want to arrange location of the columns as in file collection . after this should create the sheet is name YEAR , then should combined the data of all sheets into one sheet YEAR and summing the values for duplicates items for columns sales & returns. note I want create the file every time when run the macro in the same folder contains the files .
Office 365, Excel for Windows 2010 & Excel for Mac
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Stating the obvious but why do you collect the original data in individual monthly files, and where does the information come from?
Are these monthly files created manually or do they result from an output from some back office system?
Unless there's some overriding reason why the DATA is kept separately you should always collect it in a single table. It's far easier to extract /analyse information FROM a database than to combine files in order to analyse them.
If you are willing / able to create a composite file from now on then being pragmatic it would be simpler to just copy all 12 files and paste into a single workbook and sheet with an additional column to record the month for EACH record.
Richard Buttrey
RIP - d. 06/10/2022
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Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Stating the obvious but why do you collect the original data in individual monthly files
this is sent by another company
where does the information come from?
any main reason to ask it?
the result in file collection depends on the others files . so I don't see your question is obstical for achieve it .
why the DATA is kept separately you should always collect it in a single table
as I said the reports are sent by another company for each month
If you are willing / able to create a composite file from now on then being pragmatic it would be simpler to just copy all 12 files and paste into a single workbook and sheet with an additional column to record the month for EACH record.
this is manual , not good idea . it takes much time
Office 365, Excel for Windows 2010 & Excel for Mac
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Originally Posted by abdo meghari
this is sent by another company
any main reason to ask it?
the result in file collection depends on the others files . so I don't see your question is obstical for achieve it .
as I said the reports are sent by another company for each month
this is manual , not good idea . it takes much time
Why, when you receive each file, don't you simply copy and paste the data on the next row underneath the previous month's data. One way or another you are going to need to combine them in some way.
Why start with a problem.
A simple macro could prompt you to select a file and the data in it could be copied into the collective workbook automatically.
I prefer to do things in simple ways rather than make life more difficult.
According to the attachment an Excel basics VBA demonstration for starters
to paste only to the ThisWorkbook module of the collection workbook :
PHP Code:
Sub Demo1()
Dim F$, S$, V, L&, W, R&, B$(1 To 65536, 0), T@(1 To 65536, 1)
F = Dir$(Path & "\" & "*.xlsx"): If F = "" Then Beep: Exit Sub
If Not ActiveWorkbook Is Me Then Activate
With Worksheet____4
.[B2].Value2 = "Wait …"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
S = Split(F, ".")(0)
If Evaluate("ISREF('" & S & "'!A1)") Then Sheets(S).UsedRange.Offset(1).EntireRow.Delete _
Else .Copy Sheets(.Name): ActiveSheet.Name = S
With Workbooks.Open(Path & "\" & F, 0).ActiveSheet.[A1].CurrentRegion.Rows
.Item("3:" & .Count).AdvancedFilter 2, , Sheets(S).UsedRange.Rows(1)
.Parent.Parent.Close False
End With
V = Sheets(S).UsedRange.Columns("B:D").Value2
For L = 2 To UBound(V)
W = Application.Match(V(L, 1), B, 0)
If IsError(W) Then R = R + 1: B(R, 0) = V(L, 1): W = R
T(W, 0) = T(W, 0) + V(L, 2)
T(W, 1) = T(W, 1) + V(L, 3)
F = Dir$
Loop Until F = ""
If R Then
With .[A2:D2].Resize(R).Columns
.Rows(1).Copy .Rows
.Item(1).Value2 = Evaluate("ROW(1:" & R & ")")
.Item(2).Value2 = B
.Item("C:D").Value2 = T
.Item("B:D").Sort .Item(2), 1, Header:=2
End With
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Last edited by Marc L; 04-17-2022 at 11:23 AM.
Reason: optimization …
Office 365, Excel for Windows 2010 & Excel for Mac
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Originally Posted by abdo meghari
nobody likes to make hard the matters for himself, but what if the data are huge. do you think still use manual way is practical ?
The size of the data is irrelevant.
Why do you assume I was suggesting a manual process? I explicitly said you could use a macro to pick a file and have the macro load it to a master database, in the process ordering it however you wished.
I still maintain a single database on a single sheet is far more elegant and efficient.
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Check out V(L, 2) value...Is Item...hence error...
V = Sheets(S).UsedRange.Columns("A:D").Value2
Then rest of code to be amended...?
Last edited by Sintek; 04-18-2022 at 05:00 AM.
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Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
As I wrote « according to your attachment » it works like a charm on my side without such issue (no sense to post a non working code !)
so you did not try obviously on the same attachment ?!
If not that means there is non numeric data so you must check the data before to operate the sum within the T array …
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Originally Posted by abdo meghari
no way ! the same files ,the same data , may you check the result with the same files ,please?
Your bad as this is obviously not the same attachment ‼
In particular the collection workbook so try with your initial post attachment
with the Worksheet____4 (YEAR) worksheet as it is (at least rows #1 & 2) …
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Here's another option...
Change Path to Path housing files...
Sub J3v16()
Dim Temp, Dict As Object, File As Object, Path As String, TabName As String, i As Long
Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"): Path = "E:\Steven\Desktop\Test\"
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each File In .GetFolder(Path).Files
TabName = .GetBaseName(File)
With Workbooks.Open(File)
With .ActiveSheet.Range("A3:D" & .ActiveSheet.Cells(.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row)
Temp = Application.Index(.Value, Application.Evaluate("Row(1:" & .Rows.Count & ")"), Array(4, 3, 2, 1))
End With
.Close False
End With
With Sheets.Add
.Name = Split(TabName, ".")(0)
With .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(Temp, 1), 4)
.Value = Temp
FormatMe .CurrentRegion
End With
End With
For i = 2 To UBound(Temp)
If Not Dict.exists(Temp(i, 2)) Then
Dict.Add Temp(i, 2), Temp(i, 3) & ";" & IIf(Temp(i, 4) = "", 0, Temp(i, 4))
Dict(Temp(i, 2)) = Split(Dict(Temp(i, 2)), ";")(0) + Temp(i, 3) & ";" & Split(Dict(Temp(i, 2)), ";")(1) + Temp(i, 4)
End If
Next i
Next File
End With
With Sheets("Year")
.Range("A1").Resize(, 4) = Array("SN", "ITEM", "SALES", "RETURNS")
.Range("B2").Resize(Dict.Count, 2) = Application.Transpose(Array(Dict.keys, Dict.items))
.Range("C2").Resize(Dict.Count).TextToColumns .Range("C2"), xlDelimited, semicolon:=True
With .Range("A2").Resize(Dict.Count): .Value = Evaluate("=Row(" & .Address & ")-1"): End With
With .Range("A1:D1").Resize(Dict.Count + 1): FormatMe .CurrentRegion: End With
End With
End Sub
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Hi Steve !
If you are stating about my VBA procedure the issue just comes from his new attachment where YEAR worksheet is blank
but according to his original attachment row #1 & 2 must be filled, the first for the headers reorder and the second for the cells formatting …
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Yes that's it in order to avoid a gas factory procedure 'cause of the reorder and the cells formatting
so easy with the Excel basics advanced filter feature like any Excel beginner operating manually …
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Your bad as this is obviously not the same attachment ‼
In particular the collection workbook so try with your initial post attachment
with the Worksheet____4 (YEAR) worksheet as it is (at least rows #1 & 2) …
because it gives object error in with the Worksheet____4 in the beginning when run your code . I expect different office setting , that's why I change name of the sheet
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
Originally Posted by abdo meghari
because it gives object error in with the Worksheet____4
Your bad 'cause you did not use the same initial post attachment so just try with it,
you can remove month sheets but not necessary just well reading the code …
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
@sintek the code is awesome , but I need avoiding error , if I run again it will pops up This name is already in use, try another name
so if there is way to ignore This name is already in use and add just new name , because every month I want add new report in the same folder has already files which have ever added
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
@Marc L I don't want to waste your time ,but I use your instructions and implement your code in attached files in OP
here is the file , just test it and inform me if work for you, please?
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
but when add new sheet it doesn't include summing and merging duplicates items in sheet YEAR
What you mean new sheet...Surely You mean new file in folder ...
Then I have no idea what you want...because when I add another file or updates as it should...
The code clears all existing data and overwrites each time button is pressed...
Perhaps you should explain in Step by step detail...
Re: collection monthly report for multiple files into one
@Marc L I no know what happens for me after many tries now it works , I have no idea why the code doesn't work from the beginning and now works
@ sintek I no know what my bad to cause for all of this chaos .
@Richard Buttrey thanks for your advices
sorry guys ! your codes works now , I hope to not be problems in the future .
much appreciated for your time , patient & assistance
Last edited by abdo meghari; 04-18-2022 at 07:20 AM.