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changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

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  1. #1
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    changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

    Hello all,

    lets consider this:

    'looping from first row (1) to the last used row (10)
    For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        for j = 1 to 20
            'inserts 10 rows bellow where I am currently am (row i)
            i = i + 1
            'do whatever i need here, so basicaly at this point the last used row from criteria now changed from 10 to 11, any by next loop (j) even more increased
        next j
    next i
    so at the poinf of first loop (i) the program stops
    so it does not update the for loop (for i) criteria properly, or as i desire.

    what would be the solution

  2. #2
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

    It doesn't run subsequent iterations of i, because by the time i = i + 1 has run 20 times in your For j loop then i is greater than you've asked it to loop to at the start, so it doesn't need to run any more.

    It's not actually clear, to me at least, what it is you're trying to achieve. Perhaps attach a workbook showing what your data looks like before and after and we can help more from there.


  3. #3
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    Re: changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

    ok, in simplified...
    A1 = "A"
    A2 = "B"
    A3 = "C"
    A4 = "D"

    so now i wish to loop through those for rows via:
    For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    and inside each loop i wish to insert extra 10 rows (via loop, not all 10 rows together) bellow the initial "i" and enter the numerical value 1 to 10

    so, slightly modified code to udnerstand:
    For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'at starting point this value is = 4
        for j = 1 to 10
            i = i + 1
            Rows(i).Insert  ' this inserts one row bellow the letter (A/B/C/D)
            Cells(i, 1).Value = j
        next j
    next i
    so, you can see that begining of the first loop (i) it sets the criteria (i=1 to 4), but inside the first loop i create another loop which inserts 10 rows and therefore increases the "i" by +10... so after first loop of "i" I have fulfilled the initial criteria for the loop and it wont carry on to do the same under "B" value (which have shifted from row 2 to 11).

    And I need basicaly the program to insert 10 (one by one by another for loop "j") rows after each nonempty cell in column A

  4. #4
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

    Maybe like this?
    Sub AddRowsBetween()
        Dim i As Long: i = 1
        Dim j As Long
        Do Until Cells(i, 1) = ""
            For j = 1 To 10
                Cells(i + j, 1).EntireRow.Insert
                Cells(i + j, 1).Value = j
            Next j
            i = i + j
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

    thank you

  6. #6
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: changing value inside for loop which also is a criteria for the looping

    No problem. Happy to help


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