Good Afternoon All.

I reside in Christchurch, New Zealand.
I am working on a problem and am looking for a solution which will probably require VBA and Macro involvement.

I am trying to create an 'ANDON' visual indicator. The intent is to have the system use real time for a shift start of 06.45am until 15.00pm.
What I am trying to achieve is to be able to input the number of expected units to be produced at the start of the shift (say 15) this would be a manual entry and for the operator to be able to perform a single button push each time he completes one unit. This button push for complete would increment an 'Actual' visual indicator by a count of one with the planned entered figure also being displayed on the same screen, therefore show planned vs actual.

By using a running clock which would be set to the shift start time, the operator would produce and push the button each time one unit is complete, this would continue to shift end with the entered planned and incremental actual being shown at same time on screen.

One addition necessary would be to either pause time and therefore the system during a 10 minute break and a half hour lunch, or for these break times to be set at shift start and taken into account within the VBA code so that the software could self pause during the break times.
The intent is for the cycle time to be worked through a calculation between planed vs actual so that the 'Actual' could be displayed in green if on takt, orange if approaching 5 minutes of going over takt or red if not enough has been produced within the time consumed. This colour change would need to be dynamic and change between these colours as the operator completes more units to show that time has been gained / pulled back and therefore put the line back on takt.

If all understood, can anyone help please? Thank you