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VBA do divide zip into volumes that won exceed 28 Mb and adds "Part 1" "2" to the name

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  1. #1
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    VBA do divide zip into volumes that won exceed 28 Mb and adds "Part 1" "2" to the name

    Hi everyone,

    I have a VBA code that according the folder where excel file (VBA) is:
    - Will zip all sub folders (and itīs content) into zip files with the same names
    - name the zip files according to the folders name
    - Destination folder must be the exact same folder where the excel file with the VBA code is
    - The folder will be / is a windows network folder

    Imagine my excel file is at folder name

    HTML Code: 
    , and inside that folder i have sub Folders:

    What i have is a macro that will zip on that same folder Fruit, and return files: apple.zip + grapes.zip + almonds.zip
    And if i run the macro again, the code should overwritten the zip files according to the new files or folders inside folder Fruit

    What i need now, is that in case any of the zip files exceeds 28 Mb to make volumes like:

    apple.zip - Part 1 28Mb
    apple.zip - Part 2 28Mb
    apple.zip - Part 3 1Mb
    grapes.zip 12Mb (if zip wont exceed 28Mb, no need to add to the name "Part 1" )
    almonds.zip - Part 1 28Mb
    almonds.zip - Part 2 5Mb

    Something like that.

    I cannot install any software to zip, only the windows default zip software.

    Copy to clipboard
    Public Function ZipSubFolders(ZipThatFolder As String)
    'zip sub folders in ZipThatFolder
    'ie. Call ZipSubFolders(GetThatFolder)
    Dim FsoObj As Object, SubF As Object, xFS As Object
    Dim Temp2 As Object, Foldername As String
    Set FsoObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set xFS = FsoObj.GetFolder(ZipThatFolder)
    For Each SubF In xFS.SubFolders
    'can't zip empty folders
    If Dir(SubF.Path & "\" & "*.*") <> "" Then
    On Error Resume Next
    'remove previous zip file
    Set Temp2 = FsoObj.GetFile(SubF.Path & ".zip")
    If Temp2 <> "" Then
    FsoObj.deletefile (SubF.Path & ".zip"), False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'zip folder
    Call Zipp(SubF.Path & ".zip", SubF.Path)
    Else 'remove these 2 lines as needed
    MsgBox "No Files to zip in folder: " & SubF.Path
    End If
    Next SubF
    Set Temp2 = Nothing
    Set xFS = Nothing
    Set FsoObj = Nothing
    End Function
    Public Function GetThatFolder() As String
    Dim FlDr As FileDialog
    Dim sItem As String
    Set FlDr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With FlDr
    .Title = "Select a Folder"
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    .InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath
    If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
    sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
    GetThatFolder = sItem
    Set FlDr = Nothing
    End Function
    'Many thanks to Ron de Bruin for his great code
    Public Function Zipp(ZipName, FileToZip)
    'Zips A Folder/File
    'ZipName must be FULL Path\Filename.zip - name Zip File to Create
    'FileToZip must be Full Path\Filename.xls - Name of file you want to zip
    Dim oApp As Object, T As Double
    If Dir(ZipName) = "" Then
    Open ZipName For Output As #1
    Print #1, Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
    Close #1
    End If
    Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    oApp.Namespace(ZipName).CopyHere (FileToZip)
    'Keep script waiting until Compressing is done
    On Error Resume Next
    Do Until oApp.Namespace(ZipName).items.Count = 1
    T = Timer
    Do Until Timer - T > 1
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set oApp = Nothing
    End Function

    Can someone help adding to this code the functionality to divide the zips into volumes that won't exceed 28 Mb and rename zips accordingly (Part 1, Part 2 ...)


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor Gregor y's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
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    Excel 2010 32-Bit

    Re: VBA do divide zip into volumes that won exceed 28 Mb and adds "Part 1" "2" to the name

    Windows' default functionality does not provide the, "split file by x bytes feature" that you'll find in 3rd party portable-executables like 7zip.

    So if any single compressed apple file is over the limit you wouldn't be able to make a .zip under the limit using the native tool set.
    If it'd make you feel better using my answer because of my street cred, then you can go ahead and click Add Reputation below to improve it.

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