I have to insert a several formulas (Index - match) on the sheet, which finds the data in another workbook, like the one in the example below:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=INDEX('C:\Users\MyName\Documents\work\public tender - items\Public tender 2021\Additional\[Items-public tender JN004837-2021-repeated.xlsm]Items JN 1. part'!C1:C8,MATCH(RC8,'C:\Users\MyName\Documents\work\public tender - items\Public tender 2021\Additional\[Items-public tender JN004837-2021-repeated.xlsm]Items JN 1. part'!C8,0),2)"
It works fine, except that the path to another workbook is rather long, so I'd like to shorten it.
I'd like to do something like:
dim strFile as string
strFile = "C:\Users\MyName\Documents\work\public tender - items\Public tender 2021\Additional\[Items-public tender JN004837-2021-repeated.xlsm]Items JN 1. part"
but this isn't working correctly because it keeps opening a file dialog box and asking to update values for
strFile & Items JN 1. part
What is the right way to do it?
I'm using Excel for Microsoft 365 for small businesses.