If I'm not mistaken to get what you mean, maybe something like this ?
Sub test()
sh = Application.InputBox("Type the name of the sheet")
i = 1

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder("D:\test")

    For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
    Set trg = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(i)
    Workbooks.Open oFile
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sh).Range("A:B").Copy _
    i = i + 2
    ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
    Next oFile
End Sub
Make a new workbook where you want the result is.
Put the macro above in this new workbook.
The macro assumed that all the files are in one folder, Drive D - folder test.
The result will be put in the this new workbook Sheet1.

What the macro do :
1. Ask the user to type the name of the sheet he wants the result to be put in Sheet1
2. Open each file in D:/test
3. Copy column A and B of the sheet name (inputted by the user) from the opened file
4. Paste to column A and B of Sheet1 on the first itteration
5. Close the file
6. Open the next file (point 2) and do point 3
7. Paste to column C and D of Sheet1 on the 2nd itteration
and so on until all the files in D:/test has been opened and copied.