Currently looking to make a toggle button to show our Inventory On Hand which is the inventory we currently have minus our Open Orders (This is represented as On Hand in Column E on Worksheet 2.) and True Sales. (This is represented as True Sales in Worksheet 2 Column I.) [/I] These two columns are linked to Worksheet 1 Column A (Inventory On Hand) and Column B [I](True Sales) via a Vlookup (I have not provided our item codes represented in the vlookup but they will technically be in column A.. I want to be able to press a button and it changes Column A on Worksheet 1 to Total inventory (Column H on worksheet 2) and Column B on Worksheet 1 to January Column A on worksheet 2). Then make it so clicking it again changes it back.
The purpose of this will it can change all of our projections based on what we sell and have sold, so at the end of the month if we haven't shipped out all of our open orders we can see what were looking like for next month.
If I am being 100% honest I do not mind trying to work it out myself I just need a little help and a push in the right direction on how to swap between different formulas in a column.
If more information is needed feel free to ask me.
Thank you,