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Please help to Insert video in "Do Loop" VBA code in excel

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  1. #1
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Please help to Insert video in "Do Loop" VBA code in excel

    Point 1. This seems to work. Adjust file names and timings as required.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Macro1()
    Dim WMP As Object
    Set WMP = CreateObject("new:{6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}")
    Const FileName1 As String = "S:\test\abc.mp4"
    Const FileName2 As String = "S:\test\abc.mp4"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim i As Integer
    i = i + 1   ' get out of jail; adjust as required
    If i > 1 Then Exit Do
        Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("0:00:05")
        Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("0:00:05")
        Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("0:00:05")
        'insert code here to play video (19 sec), video is on S:\test\abc.mp4
        Debug.Print "first"
        WMP.OpenPlayer FileName1
        Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("0:00:19")
        Debug.Print "second"
        WMP.OpenPlayer FileName2
        Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("0:00:19")
        'Shell ("taskkill /f /im wmplayer.exe")
        Shell "CMD /C TASKKILL /IM wmplayer.exe"
        Debug.Print "end"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    Point 2. Nothing I have tried works. I Googled this: excel vba make windows media player open full screen. Unfortunately, none of the suggestions helped although I could be missing something.
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Please help to Insert video in "Do Loop" VBA code in excel

    Thank you so much for you help

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