I need help. I am trying to find an easier way to copy data by VBA coding. Here source sheet is “Yearly Sales”, and destination sheet is “P01”. Data will be paste column N-X and Row 14 (cell N14). Sheet “P01” contains Product “Rice”. Sheet Yearly Sales has data till now 10th of March. Here 3rd and 10th of March are “Holyday”. The date of 7th and 8th of March I have not sale any Rice. Here is problem that when I copy from source (yearly sales) to paste destination (“P01”) by clicking a Button, then I did not get Row for Holiday and No Sale with date. Look at destination sheet “P01”. But I want to same as Sheet “Sheet1”. My destination sheet always update every day (not holiday).
I attached file “621 Current Send.xlsm” for you. Also I attached 2 screenshots, “621 P01” is my present result which I don’t want. “621 Sheet1” result is which I want.
If I write manually “Holiday” and “no sale” with date, then next update overwrite on holiday’s and No sale’s row. But I do not want it.
What will be the right code? Can any one help me?
Your help is greatly appreciated as always!! thank you for your time!!!