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Navigating to folder, opening file, and appending data based on different company names

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    Navigating to folder, opening file, and appending data based on different company names

    Hello All.

    Data is currently imported into file (attached here as test) and on tab cdata

    User will then add the start and end date range on the input tab, as well as the top level directory location that houses all of the customer directories / files.

    I am looking to make it so that the macro will then go to that Directory + "\Company Name", open the file called "Company Name", Add a row on line 2, and then add in the dates from the input tab, and the data from B:F on the cdata tab to row 2, close the file, then move on to the next company.

    What is the best way to go about doing something like this?

    I have attached a sample of the data that would need to be imported to each of the companies files, and then also a sample of one of the companies files as well.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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