Hi All, Attached is a macro-enabled workbook with a lot of For Next Loops. Run speed is mostly bearable except for the Summarize button which calls a Summarize Sub. Its actually 3 Subs strung together with Two Calls between them -Summarize, Summarize2, Summarize3. The gist of this application is that the user runs through the buttons on the Main worksheet in order from left to right. It all starts with Importing a Before and After html file, then comparing them for differences. I would supply the two files, but we can't upload that file type apparently.
Anyway, I'm a novice with VBA. Love it and I certainly see its huge potential, but I mostly have to steal code (or beg help) and modify to fit my situation. Could someone with more experience give me any tips to speed up the code? Again, its mainly the Summarize Subs with SOOOOO many For Next loops. Is there a better way? Password for the vba module is dmu123xls.
Thank you, tdsg