Hello everyone,
Need someone to help me debug a problem I'm having with my code. I borrowed code (because I'm still learning) from Jbeaucaire because it looked like the code would work for a repetitive process I'm doing.
I want to create a macro that looks at the contents of a worksheet that will sort on the contents of Column B so that only two groups appear; Group A and Group B
Then I need the code to copy all of the rows (from A3 to Qxx) based on the same text in column B and put those rows in a new workbook and save it to my desktop with a specific name, text from Column B and date. Then return to the main worksheet and identify the next group and copy those rows into a new workbook.
Each new file will be labeled with either Request_Rows_to_submit_ group A_ 9.21.21.xls or Request_Rows_to_submit_ group B_ 9.21.21
Also I cannot dedicate the path to save the file because this file/VBA will be used by all of my team who are not saavy about VBA. They just want to click on the activate button and have it done.
Here is my code and it is stopping at the + 5. This is where I'm at a blank. How do I code to have excel capture all the rows A thru Q with the same text in column B?
Thank you all for your help in advance on this. Every time I use this site I learn something new that propels my VBA knowledge just a little bit further.