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One program for initialize in change event in many Combobox

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KaBorys One program for initialize in... 09-26-2021, 04:26 PM
bsalv Re: One program for... 09-26-2021, 05:27 PM
torachan Re: One program for... 09-27-2021, 03:00 AM
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    One program for initialize in change event in many Combobox

    I looking for more efective solution for UserForm with many ComboBox's.
    This is UserForm
    Each of the Change Event of each ComboBox should copy date from Sheet ( with use fuction to get data) to first and secend TextBox; the third TextBox is for User to put data. So I have code for this (comment are in polish sorry) :

    Private Sub ComBoxChag()
    Dim X As Byte
    Dim Y As Byte
    For j = 1 To 24 ' Kopiuje dane do Arkusza
    X = j * 3 - 2
    Y = X + 1
    z = j
    If Controls("ComboBox" & j).Value = "" Then GoTo sprBlad Else:    ' sprawdzamy kolejno czy jest wartość - brak koniec
     Sheets("Arkusz1").Range("Kod_" & j) = Controls("ComboBox" & j) ' Wprowadzamy dane do arkusza; funkcje wytworzą dodatkowe dane (nazwe pozycji; jednostkę miary) patrz arkusz.
    Controls("TextBox" & X).Value = Sheets("Arkusz1").Range("NazwaPoz" & j)  ' zaciąga nazwe pozycji
    Controls("TextBox" & Y).Value = Sheets("Arkusz1").Range("JednoMiary" & j) 'zaciągamy jednostkę miary
    GoTo Koniec:
    If z - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Koniec Else:
    For i = 2 To 24
    If Controls("ComboBox" & i).Value <> "" Then MsgBox ("Wypełnij pozycje kolejno, nie zostawiaj luk!")
    End Sub
    I would like to run this program whenever one of ComboBox is change, but with not copy it to ever ComboBox1_Change; ComboBox2_Change ect.
    Is ther any way to do this, or do you have other Idea.
    Sorry For my english; is bit rusty
    Last edited by KaBorys; 09-26-2021 at 04:33 PM.

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