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BeforePrint Event - to print a footer on a chart - code works for a normal sheet

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question BeforePrint Event - to print a footer on a chart - code works for a normal sheet


    I have the following line of code in the Thisworkbook BeforePrint Event to print a footer.

    It works for a sheet but if I select just a chart to print there is no footer, just the chart itself.

    How can I make it printer a footer on the sheet of a chart?
    (obviously not on the chart itself)

    Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)

    ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = ActiveWorkbook.Name

    End Sub

    Thank you

    Windows 10 pro 64 Bit
    Office 365 64 Bit

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Eastw00d's Avatar
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    Re: BeforePrint Event - to print a footer on a chart - code works for a normal sheet

    Well I don't know the reason for this behaviour, but you overcome this easily by just adding a dot, "." in the first cell of the sheet, you can even make the colour white of this dot.

    I started learning VBA because I was lazy ...
    Still developing.... being more lazy...

  3. #3
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    Re: BeforePrint Event - to print a footer on a chart - code works for a normal sheet

    thanks for the reply.

    i solved it by adding the following code, adding ActiveChart

    If Not (ActiveChart Is Nothing) Then
    'Chart does exist
    ActiveChart.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&8&""Arial""" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & " (" & ActiveSheet.Name & ")"
    ActiveChart.PageSetup.RightFooter = "&8&""Arial""" & Format(Now(), "ddd dd mmm yy")
    ActiveChart.PageSetup.CenterFooter = "&8&""Arial""" & "Page &P of &N"
    End If

    I wrote this from what I read in various places and pieced it together
    so there is probably a more elegant way of doing it. But it works


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