The relationship is like this
Attachment 747605
The txtTube list will be depend on txtMachine
example: txtMachine is Diffusion, and on the txtTube it will show all the Diffusion Machine
What i'm trying to achieve here is to do a searchable combobox inside txtProblem which depend on the txtMachine
The data for txtProblem is under "Diffprob,Aldprob,printprob etc"
example1: txtMachine is Diffusion, then under txtproblem it will show "diffprob data" and as we type in the combobox (txtproblem) it will do a searchable just like google search suggestion (diffprob data)
example2: txtMachine is Sela, then under txtproblem it will show "aldprob data" and as we type in the combobox (txtproblem) it will do a searchable just like google search suggestion (aldprob data)
i hope i make it clear
Below is an example of searchable combobox that i would like to do
The combobox will dropdown some suggestion as we type