I have over 50 excel files to prepare and need to add a visible Signature Line in them and would like to automatically sign them with my name in the signature text box.
I have this code
Dim mysignature1 As Signature
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set mysignature1 = ActiveWorkbook.Signatures.AddSignatureLine("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")
mysignature1.Setup.SuggestedSigner = "Julian Peers"
mysignature1.Setup.SuggestedSignerLine2 = ""
mysignature1.Setup.SuggestedSignerEmail = "xxxxxx.com"
mysignature1.Setup.AllowComments = True
mysignature1.Setup.ShowSignDate = True
mysignature1.SignatureText = "J Peers"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
and the bit that doesnt work is >>>>
mysignature1.SignatureText = "J Peers"
i have also tried >>>>>
mysignature1.SignatureInfo.SignatureText = "J Peers"
I cant seem to find out online what the signature text box is called, where in the object it's located (assuming it's not in setup) and how to automatically populate it with text instead of a signature picture image for example. I havent tried "SigLine" which someone suggested online -but still dont know if it has a location before it.
all the other bits seem to work...