hi. I want to prevent the AutoFill function in tables using VBA (not via the check box in Options). I have found some code that should be working, but it's not Can someone help please.

I have the following code that I found that others have said works;

Sub stopAutoFillTable10()

    Application.AutoCorrect.AutoFillFormulasInLists = False

End Sub
However, it is not working for me in a particular situation. It works when I put manually type in a number, but not when I do it as a formula (ie. =8*3). When I do it via a formula, it fills in the entire column with answer (24 in this case). I don't want this.

I've tried doing this in a Module and as a Private Sub on the worksheet itself. What am I doing wrong or how can I fix this? For reference, it is Table10 on Sheet18.