Hello all! First time poster!
This seems like a very active and helpful community so I figured I'd come to yall for some help!
I have two worksheets.
This is SHEET1:
And this is SHEET2:
Column B of Sheet1 (titled NEW COLUMN) was manually filled with values for the purpose of showing what it should look like after a successful formula is in place. I need help writing this Formula for NEW COLUMN (Column B).
Basically I want each value of Sheet1, Column A to be checked against each value of Sheet 2, Column A. If there is a matching value in Sheet 2, Column A, then I want the value from the corresponding value from Sheet 2, Column B to be inserted into the matching Sheet 1, Column B (titled NEW COLUMN) cell. If there is no matching value in Sheet 2, Column A, I want to return a value of '0' to the cell in the Sheet1, Column B (titled NEW COLUMN).
Hopefully the screenshots I've included explain what I am trying to do. If you reference the screenshot for Sheet 1 and Sheet2, you will see the the Sheet1.A4 is the only value that matches any of the values in Sheet 2, Column A.
In this case, Sheet1.A4 matches Sheet2.A2 so the value of Sheet2.B2 is populated in Sheet1.B4. All other values in Sheet1, Column A do not match up with any values of Sheet2, Column A, so a value of 0 is populated in the corresponding cells in Sheet1, Column B.
How would I achieve this result for Sheet 1, Column B with the help of a formula?
Thank you in advanced for your help... I hope I explained it okay and it isn't too confusing!