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Auto-populate front sheet or summary sheet with data from multiple tabs or sheets

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cmann89 Auto-populate front sheet or... 07-28-2021, 01:47 PM
Pete_UK Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 07-28-2021, 01:57 PM
cmann89 Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 07-28-2021, 02:36 PM
cubangt Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 07-28-2021, 02:44 PM
cmann89 Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 07-29-2021, 04:45 AM
jindon Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 07-28-2021, 04:55 PM
cmann89 Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 07-29-2021, 04:53 AM
cmann89 Re: Auto-populate front sheet... 08-05-2021, 05:42 AM
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    Lightbulb Auto-populate front sheet or summary sheet with data from multiple tabs or sheets

    Hello experts
    I have a challenge that I would really welcome some help with.
    I have been tasked with creating a spreadsheet that captures similar data for three different business areas in three separate tabs. Simple enough
    Then, ideally I would like a front sheet, or summary sheet that takes some of this data (the high-level detail) from all of the tabs and automatically populates it into one consolidated view, displayed in date order.

    The purpose: my boss is in charge of a team of three event managers, each with their own account. He'd like one view of everything that we are working on, rather than having to check across three different databases or spreadsheets. He only needs to see certain level of detail, whereas the managers need to see all of the detail associated with their events. We're trying to reduce duplication of work.
    Think of it as a internal version (three data tabs) and an external version (summary sheet), that he can easily look-over and in turn, share with his boss.

    I know I'm missing the obvious of simply hiding columns and using one simple list for all... but we need to keep the data separate.

    I've attached an example for the month of September 2021, but am looking to create this for all the months of the year.

    The second challenge is that I am working with a 2008 version of Excel! (my goodness me!), so perhaps this challenge is three-fold:
    1. Is this even possible?
    2. If so, is it possible in 2008 Excel
    3. If not, what would I need to enable / upgrade to to get this working

    I've had a quick go at appending... (on a different machine as I don't have the required add-on), but this seems to just stack my data tables on top of one another, rather than consolidate and display in date order...

    I'm not precious on how it looks, the functionality is so much more important!

    Wow. I realize I might be asking for the world! Any and all advice welcomed, or if there's another way to achieve our challenge I'd love to hear it. And thanks in advance.
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