Hello Senior
I have a following piece of code (source : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...sing-excel-vba) to download a zip/rar file from a web url.
I Seek help for following
1) Highlighted Bold Red line , should have original file name taken from url source, in present case, it is cm13MAR2020bhav.csv.zip
2) Having imported, it should store / save the file at location where the Excel active workbook is situated using thisworkbook.path function
3) After saving at 2) above, CSV file inside the zip/rar file should get open automatically
How can i modify the following to meet my requirement
and lastly while csv file is open and in use
4) How to kill the zipfile / rarfile, so downloaded
P.S.: Good if, suggested modified code works on any MS-Excel version regardless of whether it is 32bit or 64bit.