Hi, is there a way to copy table (or really 3 tables) of variable range from excel and create an email (or really 3 emails) with this table as part of the body? I'm attaching mockup of the file that I'd be using and it is static. It originally pulls data from many sources and there are formulas which make number of items variable depending on the request.
So what I would need is in the tab "Request_Macro" to copy non-empty rows for Algeria, add row with deadlines and send the table to :j.malik@comp2.com, CC: g.auf@comp2.com, copy non-epty rows for Brazil, add row with deadlines and send the table to o.linkin@comp2.com, CC: k.lare@comp2.com, etc.
I'm building on my old file with macro to send email, but it was very simple. What I need is beyond my understanding of VBAIf you have any idea how this can work - please help me. I was trying to find some answers on the forum, but could not find anything like this. Thanks, M.