I want a macro which would remove the entries if there is a debit and credit of the same amount (column 'E') of the same customer (column 'B') of the same document type (column 'C') on the same date (column 'D').
I have highlighted one such example in yellow (Row 114 & 115).
Debits are amounts in positive and credits are in negatives.
So basically, if Columns B, C and D of two rows matches and the amount column ( column E) corresponding to those two rows has a positive amount for one entry and negative amount for another entry then those two rows has to be removed.
I have attached a simpler worksheet in which the rows marked in yellow are the rows to be removed.
Can you please help me with a macro to do this job?
So basically according to your attachment a demonstration as a beginner starter :
PHP Code:
Sub Demo()
Const F = "=B1&""#""&C1&""#""&D1&""#"""
Dim C&, L&, R&, T%(), E, V, W, X
C = -1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With [A1].CurrentRegion.Columns
L = .Rows.Count
ReDim T(1 To L, 0)
E = .Item(5).Value2
.Item(6).Formula = F
V = .Item(6).Value2
.Item(6).Formula = F & "&E1"
W = .Item(6).Value2
For R = 2 To L - 1
If T(R, 0) = 0 Then
X = Application.Match(V(R, 1) & -E(R, 1), W, 0)
If IsNumeric(X) Then If T(X, 0) = 0 Then T(R, 0) = 1: T(X, 0) = 1: C = C + 2
End If
If C > 0 Then
.Item(6).Value2 = T
.Resize(, 6).Sort Cells(1, 6), xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
.Rows(L - C & ":" & L).Clear
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Do you like it ? So thanks to click on bottom left star icon « ★ Add Reputation » !
Except for Match which is an Excel worksheet function (so to see in Excel help) all is yet in the VBA inner help ‼
So place the text cursor on a statement and hit the F1 key then just read, that's it !
Easy as I just followed a child logic like any beginner can apply.
To summarize : an helper column is used for a concatenation formula in order to mark the rows to clear …
But, this macro does not delete all the reversals in a sheet.
If the number of line items is more it deletes only a few. So I have to run the macro again and again.
Can you help me edit this code so that the macro would repeat its task until all the reversals are deleted?