I’m looking for someone to build a rudimentary call disposition tracking system in Excel. I’m willing to pay for this. It’s not overly complex but I need it done by next week.

My company provides in home preventive health screening services. We work with health insurance companies and manage a population of their diabetic members. We call these members to offer them preventive health screening services which are covered by their health plan. We need to keep track of all the calls we make and the call outcomes (i.e. dispositions) and report this info back to the health plan each week. We were working with a call center for outreach and they used the Five9 platfrom but we have brought the outreach in-house and hired a team of agents to do the calling and scheduling.

We’re currently building our own outreach and scheduling capability which is going to be part of our proprietary home care management system. But until it’s ready, I need a temporary solution. I’ve already done part of the foundatiional work in Excel but I don’t have the time to complete it. Plus there are some more advanced Excel requirements which might go beyond by skill level.

Each agent has their own Excel call log spreadsheet on our SharePoint drive. Each row consists of a patient, their ID number, address, phone numbers…The files are identically structured for each agent. There’s a date column for the last call attempt and a validation list of standardized dispositions (e.g. Live contact, no answer, wrong number…). We call each patient a certain number of times before we consider them unreachable. When we make live contact and the patient agrees, we then schedule them in our system which populateds our clinical technicians' schedules. Each agents list gets new lists each week as our calling focus changes to focus on different areas of a state. This part is relatively straight forward.

The challenging part is that I have to aggregate these data and pull from each agent’s call log spreadsheet and build some reports for our client (reports are all Excel). The reports are time based. So each Monday I have to send the health plan the list of all the patients we attempted to contacted last week and what their “last” disposition was. I also need to generate some aggregate frequency distribution rerports for all the call disposition codes (there are about 10 major ones and a handful of dependent sub dispositoins). For example, if the patient refuss the service disposition has a conditional list of reasons why they refused. So I'm tnhinkign of a master spfreadsheet that would piull the sata form each agent's call log and then built some pivit tables and filter-based reprots on different tabs.

If anyone is interested, let me know and provide an email or phone number where you can be reached. Ready to start this ASAP.
