Hello, I recently had help from Logit getting a macro created that could save an Excel file - a daily shift attendance sheet - to a specified location on my desktop under a specified name as well as compose an email with the same file attached with pre-populated Subject, Body, and email recipients. That can be found here: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pro...-and-exit.html. I presented this to the managers here at work and they all loved the idea because it would eliminate needless emails and phone calls when someone didn't receive the sheet that was supposed to and so they gave me to go ahead to get it implemented in the actual network drive where the attendance sheet templates are kept. Basically, they would be saved into a separate folder within that same network drive.Here is the macro for the desktop location to get an idea behind the coding:
This one is working fine. I had pasted this same macro in the file that is located in the network drive. I changed it to have the file pathway leading to the folder that I would need it saved in there. The coding for that looks like this:
I didn't realize that a network location would operate differently and that this code would not be valid. It was composing the email just fine, but not saving the file where I wanted it to go. I'm not even sure where it saved it if it even did - I just know it wasn't where intended. Is it completely different coding needed here in the case of network drives? Is something like this actually even possible?