Dear all,
I am a beginner in using macro excel for automation.
I have nearly 100 of excel files with password. I would like to do as follows.
- Step 1: I will choose Input folder contains all excel files.
- Step 2: I will choose Output folder contains all output excel file.
- Step 3: File structure and password are as follows.
File structure Password
PV*.xlsx PV
JP*.xls JP
PIT calculation*01-20*.xlsx 0120
PIT calculation*02-20*.xlsx 0220
PIT calculation*03-20*.xlsx 0320
PIT calculation*04-20*.xlsx 0420
PIT calculation*05-20*.xlsx 0520
PIT calculation*06-20*.xlsx 0620
PIT calculation*07-20*.xlsx 0720
PIT calculation*08-20*.xlsx 0820
PIT calculation*09-20*.xlsx 0920
PIT calculation*10-20*.xlsx 1020
PIT calculation*11-20*.xlsx 1120
PIT calculation*12-20*.xlsx 1220
Step 4: if the input file in .xls, convert it to .xlsx
I have write a code as follows but when I run it, it seems endless run. Please help to correct my code. Thank you.
Sub RemovePasswords() Dim xlBook As Workbook Dim InPath As Variant 'Input Folder Path Dim OutPath As Variant 'Output Folder Path Dim x1BookName As Variant InPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("B2").Value & "\" 'The Input folder, must end with "\" OutPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("B3").Value & "\" 'The Output folder , must end with "\" Const strEditPassword As String = "" 'If no password use "" 'File structure 1 and password 1 Dim strFilename1 As String Dim strPassword1 As String strFilename1 = Dir$(InPath & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("A8").Value) 'will open xls & xlsx etc strPassword1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("B8").Value While Len(strFilename1) <> 0 Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set xlBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=InPath & strFilename1, _ Password:=strPassword1, _ WriteResPassword:=strEditPassword) x1BookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name xlBook.SaveAs Filename:=OutPath & x1BookName, _ Password:="", _ WriteResPassword:="", _ CreateBackup:=True xlBook.Close 0 Application.DisplayAlerts = True Wend 'File structure 2 and password 2 then save as .xlsx Dim strFilename2 As String Dim strPassword2 As String strFilename2 = Dir$(InPath & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("A9").Value) 'will open xls & xlsx etc strPassword2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("B9").Value While Len(strFilename2) <> 0 Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set xlBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=InPath & strFilename2, _ Password:=strPassword2, _ WriteResPassword:=strEditPassword) x1BookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name xlBook.SaveAs Filename:=OutPath & Left(x1BookName, Len(x1BookName) - 5) & ".xlsx", _ FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, _ Password:="", _ WriteResPassword:="", _ CreateBackup:=True xlBook.Close 0 Application.DisplayAlerts = True Wend 'File structure 3 and password 3 Dim strFilename3 As Range Dim strPassword3 As String Set FilenameRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RemovePassword").Range("A9:A20") For Each strFilename3 In FilenameRange 'or For Each strFilename3 In Range("A5", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) strPassword3 = strFilename3.Offset(0, 1).Value Application.DisplayAlerts = False If Not Len(strFilename3) = 0 Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set xlBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=InPath & strFilename2, _ Password:=strPassword2, _ WriteResPassword:=strEditPassword) x1BookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name xlBook.SaveAs Filename:=OutPath & x1BookName, _ Password:="", _ WriteResPassword:="", _ CreateBackup:=True xlBook.Close 0 End If Next strFilename3 Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub