hi all, returning here after quite some time and as a result of not having coded in VBA for 4-5 years, ive seemed to have lost a lot of my prior basic coding knowledge... hoping this will help jog my memory

I have two tables where i am trying to copy data from one sheet to another based on matches


Col A Col B Col C Co D Col E
Company Name Week1Data Week2Data Week3Data Week4Data

XYZ 22% 15% 43% 55%
ABC 25% 63% 36% 83%


ColA ColB ColC
Company Name Week% Week Reference

XYZ 22% Week1Data
XYZ 15% Week2Data
XYZ 43% Week3Data
XYZ 55% Week4Data
ABC 25% Week1Data
ABC 63% Week2Data
ABC 36% Week3Data
ABC 83% Week4Data

How can i copy the % from table2 to populate the week1-week4 %s based on the company name and week reference into Table1 via some sort of loop?
