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Reason :
No solution for some time now.

Hello guys,
I have tried to narrow down what I want to achieve to this level and I think with a little push from the seniors on this great platform, my challenge will be handled.

Sub GetMissingNum ()
    Dim e&, lr&, sht As Worksheet 
        For Each sht In Worksheets 
             Select Case sht.Name 
                 Case "Data 1", "Data 2", "Data 3", "Report 1", "Report 2"
                  lr = sht.Cells (Rows.Count, "A").End (xlUp).Row
                  If lr > 3 then
                  e  = 0
                  With sht.Range("A4:A" & lr)
                           e = e + 1
                       Loop Until IsError(Application.Match(e, .Cells, 0))
                       ' I want to load e into a string or array like:
                       ' ray = ("..., ..., ....") or 
                       ' ray = Array(..., ...., .....)
                  End With 
                  End If
            End Select 
         Next sht 
End Sub
I want someone to help me out with how to load each of the e into the string or array as explained above?

Thanks in advance.