I have a macro (I do not recall where I got this) that Rearranges the order of columns on a sheet which can have hundreds of columns by an array of header names

So if the array of headers is
Array("From", "To", "Name From", "Name To")
then my sheet would look like


But I often need to place the columns at the END of the sheet
So if the array of headers is
Array("From", "To", "Name From", "Name To")
then my sheet would look like

But I can not figure out how to alter the Sub and/or function to do this

Thank you in advance for your help with this
(I have a macro that does this with pasting and cutting but is extremely slow on sheets with lots of columns)

Sub MoveRangeBycolOrder()
Dim colOrder(), ws As Worksheet
  Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Helper_1Filted")
  With ws
  Dim rng As Range, lastRow&, lastCol&
      lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row
      lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
      Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol))

      colOrder = Array("From", "To", "Name From", "Name To")

    ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ' Get data array
    ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Dim v: v = rng
    ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ' Restructure column order in array in a one-liner
    ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      v = Application.Index(v, Evaluate("row(1:" & lastRow & ")"), getColNums(ws.Name, v, colOrder, False))

    rng = vbNullString
      .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(v), UBound(v, 2)) = v

  End With

End Sub

' Note: if argument DeleteRest (default: False) is passed as True, each unlisted titles will be removed
Function getColNums(shtName, arr, colOrdr(), Optional ByVal DeleteRest As Boolean = False) As Variant()
Dim titles

  titles = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(arr, 1, 0)))
  Dim rest: rest = titles
  Dim i&, ii&, pos                                                ' array counters, element position
  ReDim tmp(0 To UBound(colOrdr) + UBound(titles) + 2)            ' temporary array to collect found positions
  ' a) find position in
  For i = 0 To UBound(colOrdr)                                    ' loop through titles in wanted order
      pos = Application.Match(colOrdr(i), titles, 0)              ' check positions
      If Not IsError(pos) Then
          tmp(ii) = pos: ii = ii + 1                              ' remember found positions, increment counter
          rest = filter(rest, colOrdr(i), False, vbTextCompare)
      End If
  Next i
  ' b) Default: ~~~> don't remove unlisted titles  <~~~           ' << inserted code block as of 2020-05-15 >>
  If Not DeleteRest Then
      For i = 0 To UBound(rest)
          pos = Application.Match(rest(i), titles, 0)             ' check positions
          If Not IsError(pos) Then
              tmp(ii) = pos: ii = ii + 1
          End If
      Next i
  End If

  ReDim Preserve tmp(0 To ii - 1)                                 ' remove empty elements
  getColNums = tmp                                                ' return array with current column numbers (1-based)

End Function