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Converting a matrix into 3 normalised tables

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Converting a matrix into 3 normalised tables

    Hello all,

    I am trying to convert a matrix into three separate normalised table. I will have a lot of these and they will be bigger than the example so I'm hoping to find an automated method eg a module. Here is an example:


    Any help would be great!

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 365 version 2501

    Re: Converting a matrix into 3 normalised tables

    Hello AndyRob1973 and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    Here is a formula based proposal.
    For the Activities table
    For the ID: =IF(B8="","",SUM(A7,1))
    For the Activity: =IF(B2="","",B2)
    For the Visits table
    For the ID: =IF(E8="","",SUM(D7,1))
    For the Visit: =IFERROR(INDEX(C$1:F$1,ROWS(A$1:A1)),"")
    For the Junction table
    For the VisitID: =ROUNDUP(ROWS(A$1:A1)/MAX(D$8:D$12),0)
    For the AcitityID: =COUNTIFS(G$8:G8,G8)
    For the Required: =INDEX(C$2:F$5,MATCH(INDEX(B$8:B$12,MATCH(H8,A$8:A$12,0)),B$2:B$5,0),MATCH(INDEX(E$8:E$12,MATCH(G8,D$8:D$12,0)),C$1:F$1,0))
    Note that conditional formatting could be used to hide zeros in the Required column.
    For future reference, you will usually get faster responses if you include a sample Excel file rather than a screen shot. As you are new and as there was not too much data I produced an Excel file on this occasion.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Converting a matrix into 3 normalised tables

    Thank you JeteMc,

    That's superb! I'll test it against my actual data.

    Thanks for the posting advice too.

    I've attached the excel example in case anyone is able to give me a macro, but this will help me a lot
    Attached Files Attached Files

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