Hi all,

I'm using this module to help with converting dictionaries to a JSON based string output.

However I've run into a situation where I need to use unquoted keys to match an expected format.

Unquoted keys is an option in VBA-JSON, but it doesn't seem to work.
I tried this:
Public Sub Data2SankeyJSOs()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Sheet31
    Dim loSankeys As ListObject
    Set loSankeys = ws.ListObjects("tSankeys")
    Dim SankeyDict As Dictionary
    Dim rw As Long
    Dim JSONstr As String
    For rw = 1 To loSankeys.ListRows.Count
        Set SankeyDict = Table2Dictionary(ws, loSankeys, 1) 'helper function creates dictionary from tables
        JsonConverter.JsonOptions.AllowUnquotedKeys = True  'IS THIS CORRECT??? DOESN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE
        JSONstr = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(SankeyDict, Whitespace:=0)
        Let JSONstr = "option = {" & vbNewLine & "series: " & vbNewLine & JSONstr & vbNewLine & "};"
        Let JSONstr = Replace(JSONstr, Chr(34), Chr(39))
        loSankeys.ListColumns("JSON").DataBodyRange(rw).Value = JSONstr
        loSankeys.ListColumns("JSON").DataBodyRange(rw) = False
    Next rw
End Sub
How do I correctly set an option for the VBA-JSON object?
Here is the explanation from the documentation:
VBA-JSON includes a few options for customizing parsing/conversion if needed:

UseDoubleForLargeNumbers (Default = False) VBA only stores 15 significant digits, so any numbers larger than that are truncated. This can lead to issues when BIGINT's are used (e.g. for Ids or Credit Cards), as they will be invalid above 15 digits. By default, VBA-JSON will use String for numbers longer than 15 characters that contain only digits, use this option to use Double instead.
AllowUnquotedKeys (Default = False) The JSON standard requires object keys to be quoted (" or '), use this option to allow unquoted keys.
EscapeSolidus (Default = False) The solidus (/) is not required to be escaped, use this option to escape them as \/ in ConvertToJson.
JsonConverter.JsonOptions.EscapeSolidus = True"

What am I doing wrong?

Note, I didn't share the example workbook as it is large and complex.
Everything is working correctly including the creation of a JSON style string. I just need to know how to get the unquoted option to work, or write a function to remove quotes left of each ":"
