Hello. Can you please help me find a way to track comments in the attached file?
There is a button to enter a comment and button to view comments.
- Ideally I would like to view the comments in the sequence they were entered.
- Do you think a listbox is a good way to view them? What clever ideas do you have to display the sequence of comments?
- It would be nice to not have the comments clipped as list boxes tend to clip text as row space is limited. Can we wrap text so rows in the listbox show all the comments?
- Is a listbox advised or do you have a better recommendation?
- For the purpose of this you can save the data on a sheet on the attached however I would be saving the data in a sheet on another workbook, so if you can provide some guidance on how to write the data to another filepath, that would be great.
- Next to each comment I would like a username, date and time stamp - therefore you can add the below code to your solution
Environ$("Username") & " - " & Now()
The below is an example of something I am looking for. Maybe instead of a listbox, the comment log can be viewed on a large textbox [the size of a userform] with a grey background and scroll bars to view all past comments?
Sample 2 of comment tracker.JPG
Please let me know what smart, cool ideas you have for a comment tracker!