Hi all,

In a export of data i have a few colums containing time info as text in the following format...

1h 45m 25s
1h 6m 45s
17m 16s
1m 45s
4m 28s
10m 44s
6h 8m 15s
10m 8s
4h 48m 56s
1m 33s
3h 52m 44s
2h 3m 33s

I want to know if there is a VBA script I can use to run through those columns converting the data to actual time... so stripping the "h" "m" "s" from it, and returning the data in something like "01:06:54" format. I've attached a "sample" spreadsheet, which is simply 1 small column of data. Note: Some entries are blank, as this best replicates the data I get, so a formula needs to be able to skip blank entries.

^^ OK, scratch that, I cant upload data like this from the office, so I'll need to do it when I get home a little later.... but it really is just...

Avg Response Time in Bhrs
29m 16s
1m 32s
56m 39s
2h 9m 49s
8m 17s

22m 0s
5h 35m 37s
43m 32s

1h 36m 36s
5m 45s
2d 20h 36m 40s
57m 29s
43m 37s
2h 11m 8s
2m 36s

3d 22h 2m 9s
1h 9m 51s

1h 45m 25s
1h 6m 45s

Many thanks in advance...